Weigh In

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Weigh In

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The only reason to use the Weigh In operation is if you intend weigh a Truck twice: when it enters your yard or facility AND when it leaves.


If your intention is to update a Trucks Tare weight, use the Tare In operation.


The Weigh In operation is used to record the weight of a Truck so that it can be used later to complete a transaction.


The Weigh In operation is primarily used under the following circumstances:


When you are receiving a commodity and you want to determine the net amount you have received by calculating the difference between the Truck's weight when it's loaded (the inbound weight) and the Truck's weight after it unloads (the outbound weight).
When you are shipping a commodity and you do not want to use stored tare weights. In other words, to complete a transaction, Trucks weigh in empty and weigh out loaded.


When a Truck is weighed in you can record it's gross or tare weight. The weight can be recorded manually or automatically. When a Truck weighs in you can also specify the Order ID and Material ID that apply to the commodity that is being shipped or received. The time and date that the Truck weighs in are also recorded.


If a Truck is:


delivering Material to you when it Weighs In it should be loaded (you will be recording the gross weight)
picking up Material from you when it Weighs In it should be empty (you will be recording the tare weight)




Weighing In a new Truck

Weighing In an existing Truck