Getting Started

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Getting Started

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Thank you for choosing Dispatch 3.2!


Dispatch 3.2 is used to manage the weighing process, track inventory, and generate reports. Dispatch is designed to work with a range of weighing equipment, including truck scales, rail scales, and other industrial scales.


Dispatch 3.2 is known for its ease of use, reliability, and accuracy. It will help your business streamline their weighing process, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. Dispatch provides valuable data for tracking inventory, generating reports, and integration into overall business operations.


Features of Dispatch 3.2 include ticket and report designers, real-time weight data display, ticket printing, ticket Emailing, electronic signature capture, IP and Web camera capture, and integration with accounting and inventory management software.


Dispatch 3.2 is the ideal solution for Aggregate, Sand and Gravel, Asphalt, Road Building, Recycling, Waste Management and Forestry operations.


Navigating the Home view
System requirements
Connecting your scale to your computer
Supported database servers
What's new for Dispatch 1.5 users?
Contacting us for help


If you require any assistance using this product, please contact us.


Download the latest update


Toll-free: 1-800-461-0634 (North America)


Phone: 416-259-1111

Fax: 416-259-1959





