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Cannot load vendor library

If the correct version of Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Redistributable run-time library has not been installed you will get the following error notification:




The Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0) C++ Redistributable run-time library must be installed. The file you need is for the X86 architecture (32-bit x86) and is named vcredist_x86.exe.


The run-time library can be downloaded here:


Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0)  Redistributable



Direct link:

How to fix "duplicate key violates unique constraint" error

Below is an example of how to correct this issue if the key sequence for the Order Item table (dsptch30_contract_item) becomes corrupted.


First, using pgAdmin, determine the column name of the key sequence the dsptch30_contract_item table. Row_id is the name of the unique row identifier:


SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('dsptch30_contract_item', 'row_id')


Next, find out what the next value in the sequence:


a. SELECT nextval('dsptch30_contract_item_row_id_seq')


Or you can use:


b. SELECT nextval((select pg_get_serial_sequence('dsptch30_contract_item', 'row_id')))


Now, find out the maximum value in the sequence:


SELECT MAX(row_id) FROM dsptch30_contract_item)


If maximum value is less than next value, update the sequence:


SELECT setval('dsptch30_contract_item_row_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(row_id) FROM dsptch30_contract_item) + 1)