Commonly used controls

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Commonly used controls

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The descriptions not in order of importance they are simply given in the order in which they appear on the sample images.





Text used to describe another control.

Text edit

A text edit control enables a user to input text.

Check box

A check box is a control that can be in a checked or unchecked state (on or off). Checked boxes are typically used to enable or disable an option or to turn a feature on or off.

Combo box

A graphical control element combining a drop-down list or list box and a single-line editable Text edit.


Buttons (also referred to as push buttons) can be clicked to perform an action. An equivalent to push button as found on mechanical or electronic instruments.

Radio button

Radio buttons are used to select one option from a selection of options, similar to a multiple choice question. Radio buttons always appear in pairs or larger groups, and only one option in the group can be selected at a time; selecting a new item from the group's buttons automatically de-selects the previously selected button.





A graphical control element that allows multiple documents or panels to be contained within a constrained area. Clicking on a Tab changes the information that is visible to the user.

Toggle switch

A control which can be clicked upon to enable or disable the state of an operation.


A value input control which has small up and down buttons to step through a range of values. Up, down,  Page Up and Page Down keys can also be used to change the value.





Lookup Combo box

A Combo box that displays multiple columns of information often with headings for each column. Columns can be used to sort the rows within the list. The drop-down part of the control can often be re-sized by the user.

Check Combo box

A Combo box which allows a user to make multiple choices from a list by check or unchecking items in the list. The associated Text edit displays the choices separated by semi-colons.


A control that contains one or more related controls. The Group control is a visual indicator that the controls have a relationship with one and other.


A Label with some kind of indication (usually underlining and/or color) that clicking it will take one to another screen or page.

Drop-down button

A button that provides a list of additional choices.





Progress bar

A graphical control element used to visualize the progress of an operation.


Date edit

A specialized Combo box style control for editing date values. The drop-down list is replaced by a calendar.


Data and time edit

A specialized Combo box style control for editing date and time values. The drop-down list is replaced by a calendar and clock.



A control which allows you to select one or more dates.